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Invites for Collabs, Partners & Projects

 Allign with me as of Dec 2022 :

  1. Technology - Software and Hardware.

  2. Medical - Systems, Process, Compliance, Diet, AED, ER systems, Billing, 

  3. Engineering - Systems & Design.

  4. E - Commerce & Wholesale

  5. Events - Entertainment - Dance groups, entertainers, auditions ..

  6. Performing Arts - mainstream-commercial, recreational, institutional, and professional

  7. Training and Development | Education Industry | Leadership

    • earn while you learn programs, curriculam, internship programs, scholarship programs, education industry.

  8. Entertainment Mainstream - Movies or any licensed project.

  9. Design and Decor - Commercial / Industrial Only 

  10. Fitness with wellness programs
  11. Beauty industry - formulation, mixing, compound, cosmetics
  12. Modeling & Training.

  13. Mainstream Media : News, Radio, Journalism, Commercial Writing.

  14. Fabric - Textile, Designing, Manufacturing.

  15. Secondary media : social media streaming and social media influencers - WIP

  16. Security & Emergency Services : conflict management, para-legal, security, safety risk/emergency/crisis management

  17. Real Estate - extended family - exams pending.

  18. Construction - 5 succesful projects - commercial with permits only.​

  19. Digital Platforms - Online, Social Media from 2016.


Our first time invite to investment partners !!

Eligibility : must be well aware of any of these fields and so collaborate for various projects or generate projects that are profitable with beautiful results.


***these are my current qualifications/education/trainings/real experience in industry w/full transparency. All the results achieved w/100% success & transparency.***


 My own family is into :

  1. IT & Robotics Engg

  2. Performing Arts
  3. Medical - Doctors

  4. Construction,

  5. Architecture

  6. Industrial Designing-Machines

  7. Biotechnology

  8. Chemical Engg.

  9. Accounts

  10. Taxation

  11. Telecom Industry

  12. Food & Restaurants

  13. Fashion & Jewlery-Retail

  14. Agriculture & Agro-Tech

  15. Aerospace Engg.

  16. Oceanography & Marine

  17. Spirituality & Astral/Astrology

  18. Commercial & Professional Food Industry (from 1950s)

***Points to ponder**:

My color is black and white - that clean! 

what's yours ?

Is your heart/mind & background clean as you look ?

is it transparent enough to show ?

Is your blood / color healthy enough to donate ?


  • I am a proud blood-donor too. I donate as per regulations so if i travel a lot because of fields i am in then i cannot donate. But, that's how well i take care of myself. Do you take care of yourself ?

I have donated hair to cancer programs and to salons 4 times. i grow hair alot. 


The sari that i am wearing is designed with thread counts and material specs by me. One of the best selling design too. Details Here.

We all are connected with/by performing arts & love.

It is an honor to be born and strategically placed in below positions :

  • 4th generation of Performing Arts :

    • 2nd generation of Bharatanatyam & Sadir,

    • 3rd generation of indian folk dances,

    • 2nd generation of bollywood dances, Bollywood Industry-3rd generation of parallel family/grandfathers' brother legacy

    • 2nd generation theater & theatre drama with full formal trainings,

    • 3rd generation of theater. 2nd generation of theatre.

    • Created a successful 5th generation of own parallel legacy in performing arts (independent to generation name).

    • Created >16 successful/independent 1st generation performing arts, IT w/exclusive training programs under me.

    • 3nd generation of Engineering. speciality : engg systems/software design & maintenance - aeronautics.

  • 5th generation in Agriculture & Agro-Tech

    • my speciality : herbs, spices, medicinal plants, tinctures, extracts, herb-teas.

  • 3rd generation of food/storage facilities/preservation.

  • 3rd generation of commercial/professional(with trainings/certifications) food service provider.

  • 3rd generation Sports(Chess, Cricket, Swimming & some soccer/brothers),

  • 3nd generation of Accounts/Taxation,

  • 4th generation - Mathematics,

  • 4th generation - Commerce.

  • 3rd generation - Statistical Analysis,

  • 3rd generation of clothing line & mfg,

  • 3rd generation of USA-NRI (non-resident Indians) but otherwise 5th generation of gobal-NRI (Non-Resident Indians).​

What I Started, 1st in the following :

  • 1st generation of IT - (software and hardware),

  • 1st generation of textile/fabric designing and mfg.

  • 1st in Atheletics - short/long distance upto 800mts singles.

  • 1st generation of Hiphop, Boardway Styles - Contemporary, Couple as in Latin/Ballroom Dances, Indian Martial Arts(Kalaripayattu, Chhau) in performing arts

  • 1st generation of being a mainstream paid dancer to self instructed exclusive productions in all my 8 specialities.

  • First to establish a successful company in IT and in performing arts - with graduates and broke all records.

  • Mainstream performing arts

  • Mainstream entertainment 

  • Mainstream shoots 

  • Clinical skin care / commercial salon services with successful 3 salons.

  • Modeling and training

  • Study of ancient knowledge/education.vedas and scriptures with guru/practice - Rasa, Charak Samhita and +. 

  • Study and practice of ancient spiritual practices with consciousness with results - on paper.

  • Fitness with wellness programs

  • 1st one to lead/do/perform/execute/blueprints/permits - Construction Projects. Total projects 5.

  • Security and Emergency Services.

  • Medical systems.

  • Diet and Nutrition consults

  • Engg sytems and design.

  • 1st woman in family to establish business and commercial infrastructure.

  • 1st woman to have more than 1 masters degrees and more than half a dozen certifications, by field. 

  • 1st woman to enter immigration field w/success of > 24 immigration visas and > than 12 student visas .

  • 1st woman to be successful in multiple fields, till date.

  • 1st one with first set of graduates (at the age of 19) in Indian Folk, Kalaripayattu in entire USA by curriculam, techniques & successful results too and 1st one for bharatanatyam graduates with thalam and nattavagam in DFW-Texas.

  • First one with graduates in Bollywood to get fully paid projects in mainstream (other than bollywood-industry/movies/mainscreen).

  • Highest number of graduates under my leadership programs by fields - hetal nagaraj dance

  • Personal networth(without anybody) - 22.5 Million$.

    • made people successful with networth of more than 1million$ by training and development programs exclusively under me, some shooting to more than 12million$.

Love me ? Ok.
Hate me ? Ok.
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