Hetal's Fundraisers & Community Wellfare (As of December 2021)
Fundraisers mean I donated ( without charging anybody )
Hetal Performance Picture in her own fundraiser
Independent donor | No-Collabs.
Fundraisers & Community Wellfare :
C.R.Y. India Fundraiser, Help Age India Fundraiser. Link.
Prior to 2015 - IT community welfare - IT projects such as international web development for Kutchi Jain Seva Samaj. Link.
2015 : Fundrasier for Earthquake Nepal : mini truck full of blankets and clothing supplies for donations of brand new items for about 100 people + 2500$ of donations collected in one of our sponsored event.
C.R.Y - Dallas Chapter : Story of C.R.Y America will be posted for educational purposes with screen-shots for aspiring artist. Inspired from my own events India (C.R.Y. - India). I adopt non-profits for whole year or one org. for years together.
Donated all the proceeds($$$) as per contract monthly as is and for all events + more than 200 hrs of event-planning.
Full Participation, Leadership, Permits, Snacks & Sports Drinks : Marathon/Walkathon and Activities for kids, adults : More than 30 people attended. Invited Public. Around 20 participated in various activites and performances by various levels of students along with sports and fitness workshops. Pictures.
Full Participation & Leadership : Fundraiser Show & Fashion Show : More than 350 people attended this event and more than 50 students of my own dance school participated in this event. More than 10 sponsorships received! All students strictly trained under me and few with my G1-team of first interns! Several gifted artists other than my own students were invited to participate and perform. Pictures and flyers.
Library Events and Painting Talent Show - Non-Participant (I did not participate at all ) - Leadership to main coordinator, Permits & Advertising Only : Invited Public - 25 kids attended this fun event. Pictures & Appreciation.
Special thanks to my Grace And Grooves/G1 Team of 2015 - 2016 & My First Set of Grads/Interns & Elites for this beautiful year! It was really a team effort for all the solo dances to team dances.
Supported Fundraising Activties For Various Roles :
DFW Hindu Temple, Irving, Texas, USA : Bollywood Vs Indian Folk Fashion Show By States of India:
Hanuman Temple, Frisco, Texas, USA : Semi Classical Dance : Free Cotumes without charging any rental. And Here.
Hetal was rewarded more than 1000 community hours on paper and appreciation in lieu of services & sponsorships.
Temple Services : Taught Hindu Literature and Language - as teacher and sub-teacher(both) for 3 hours per week for straight 2.5 years in DFW - Hindu Temple, Irving, Texas USA.
Temple Services : Taught Hindu Literature & language - as teacher and sub-teacher(both) for 1.5 years for 2 hours per week at Hanuman Temple, Frisco, Texas, USA.
Ethnic Groups : Mumbai Charity Annual Show, Dallas Texas, USA: 501 3 c : Upto 30 hours of free services in performing arts.
Pictures. Taught 2 groups Adults Mixed Age Group & Boys | With high discounts in costumes.
My Gift To Mumbaikars.
Dallas Catholic Charities : Performances to Staff and Refugees as well as Community Hrs & Donations. My Elites featured in Dallas News, Dallas, Texas, USA as part of this project.
Uploading More as we find them :)
On-Going Fundraising Activities under me :
An educational forum based portal to help create awareness for various immigration and pre-litigation business as well as documentation help for employers & general public.
So far only services are provided and portal yet to start as of Dec 2025 or summer 2025.
All proceeds from all activities goes towards various donation activities in DFW-Texas, USA as required or at times used for our Texas All Star Talents Program.
Texas All Star Talents : Registered/Approved as of 2021. -- Program on hold from Sept 2022.
- My warm welcome to gifted artists who cannot afford to pay fees for their skills/training.
- At times, it is for college students who have not taken any formal training.
- Selections are very strict for this program or depends on sponsors.
- Program is paused from 2021 May due to pandemic.
- More than 50 artists in DFW have benefitted from this activity as of 2021.
College scholarships and scholarships as well as perks are provided in FULL.
5 Students have received full scholarshops of various types. 3 as in university programs - international.
- Every Year, I adopt 2 students to teach - FREE.
- Every Year, I give gift atleast 1 elite costume FREE. My gift. I make/design them.

Fun Facts : Hetal was launched FIRST as paid artist in 1994 for a dance-drama as in drama/acting.

Total Community : 105,450$ ( Total Sponsorships Worth : Approx $45,200 | Total Fundraisers & Give Back Till Date : $60,250 )
Community Volunteer Hours 2600 Hrs : ( Schools : 2000 Hours | Non Profit : 400 Hours | Other : 200 Hours).
I sponsor events depends on activities, time, $$ and obviously teams.
( until 2019, all activities were 4-8hrs a week ONLY ).
My fundraisers directly benefit their host countries!
From 2018-2019 academic year, we have been little conservative on fundraising activities until further notice.
The focus changed to utilizing our funds for planning, establishment & training for/of various locations for G1 and G2 dance factory and in 2022, company had back to back 2 criminal frauds.
We take, we give, we take BIG and so that we can give Big - again !
Support me to create more beautiful people & beautiful lives with beautiful memories...
For something as simple as dance, it is very simple.